There are many options specified here (the letters with a slash before them). The above command copies all of the files on the C:\ drive to the D:\ drive. Using the xcopy command, you can copy the all the files from one drive to another drive. See the copy command for further information and help with this command.If done correctly, it should change your prompt to " I:\>". For example, to switch to the 'I' drive, type " i:". If you need to switch between drives, type the letter of the drive followed by a colon at the command line. So, the command above would copy F:\example.xls to the destination C:\example.xls. Notice that we did not specify a destination if the destination is not specified, the current directory is used by default.įor example, if your command prompt says C:\>, you are in the root of the C:\ drive. The above command would copy the file " example.xls" on the F: drive to the current directory. The above command uses a wildcard to copy all text files in the current directory to the E: drive. The above command would copy the file "myfile.txt" on the C: drive to the D: drive.

You can use the copy command from the command line to copy files.
For general information about using the command line (cmd), see: How to use the Windows command line (DOS). The following examples use the Windows command prompt to copy files from one drive to another. For more information, see: How to copy files. There are other ways to copy files, and you can use whichever you prefer.